About Alabama Center for Law and Liberty

Alabama Center for Law and Liberty was formed in 2021 as a non-profit 501(c)3 law firm based out of Alabama fighting for Strong Families, Free Markets, and Limited Government.


Free Markets

In the market, it is not the government’s job to pick winners and losers, ensure equality of outcome, or redistribute wealth. Generally speaking, capitalism works. The government therefore should focus on ensuring that people who work hard and provide a service to the public receive the natural reward for their labor instead of interfering with their business. To ensure that Alabama remains a fortress for economic freedom, the Alabama Center for Law and Liberty will take cases focusing on the following objectives:

  • Challenging business-licensing schemes that serve no purpose other than to protect those who are already in business from competition;
  • Defending small-business owners from government-imposed shutdowns, which allow large-business competitors to stay open; and
  • Taking opportunities to restore the Commerce Clause and General Welfare Clause of the Federal Constitution to their original intent.

Limited Government

Government has a limited purpose under God and under law. It is not the answer to every problem, and it should not be trusted with the discretion to do whatever it wants. The genius of the American system of government is that it subjects the government to a written Constitution that protects individual liberties and separates powers between three branches of government, which in turn check and balance each other. To ensure that government remains limited and that the rule of law is upheld, the Alabama Center for Law and Liberty will take cases focusing on the following objectives:

  • Protecting the State of Alabama from federal overreach under the Biden administration;
  • Returning the power to determine how to address the COVID pandemic to the legislative branch of the Alabama government;
  • Protecting the people of Alabama from COVID restrictions that are arbitrary or trespass on constitutional rights;
  • Defending the right to free exercise of religion, especially against the threats from sexual-orientation and gender-identity laws and ordinances;
  • Standing up for freedom of speech, especially against the threats of Critical Race Theory;
  • Upholding the right to keep and bear arms; and
  • Protecting personal property from the abuses of civil asset forfeiture.

Strong Families

Marriage, the life-long union between one man and one woman, is the building block of society. The family can survive without the State, but the State cannot survive without the family. Marriage generally produces longer lives for both spouses, as well as much-needed mutual support. It produces children and provides each child with the opportunity to be raised by a mother and a father, which every child needs. In order to pursue the objective of fostering strong families in Alabama, the Alabama Center for Law and Liberty will take cases focusing on the following objectives:

  • Protecting the God-given right to life for unborn children from the moment of fertilization;
  • Restoring the legal definition of marriage as one man and one woman; and
  • Recognizing that there are two sexes, male and female, and opposing any efforts by the government to accept gender fluidity or forcing others to do the same. 



Our Areas of Practice

Limited Government
Photo for Riccio Case
Free Markets
Wedding Photo 2
Strong Families

Alabama Center for Law & Liberty

PO BOX 680979


©Alabama Center for Law & Liberty. All rights reserved.

The Alabama Center for Law and Liberty is Christian non-profit law firm.