New Alabama Law Maximizes Protection from COVID Mandates; Form Available to Apply for Exemption

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On Friday, November 4, Governor Ivey signed into law SB9, which significantly strengthened legal protections for people seeking exemptions from their employers’ COVID-19 vaccination mandates on religious and medical grounds.

The statute provides a way to apply for a religious or medical exemption. Section 1(c) explicitly states, “An employer shall exempt vaccination as a condition of employment for any employee who has completed and submitted the exemption form described in subsection (e).” Subsection (e) then prescribes a short form to fill out and submit to your employer.

Each employer is supposed to provide the form to its employees. However, since some people are facing termination this week, we copied and pasted the statute’s form so that you can fill it out by clicking here.

DISCLAIMER: Downloading and filling out this form does not form an attorney-client relationship. The Alabama Center for Law and Liberty has simply copied and pasted the text that the statute prescribes and made it available for your convenience. If you want ACLL to represent you, a formal representation agreement must be executed.

This form is ready to be filled out and submitted to the appropriate person in your company immediately to preserve your rights. If your employer has previously denied a religious or medical request for an accommodation, that should not excuse employers from failing to grant the new requests under this new law.

If your employer still denies your request for an exemption, then the law allows you to appeal to the Alabama Department of Labor. The Department will be prescribing emergency rules describing how to appeal within the next three weeks.